BikeMO After-Party
Isle of Capri - Brew Brothers Resturaunt Patio
Join us at our ride host location, Isle of Capri in Boonville, for drinks, food, music, fun, and relaxation. Hang out on the patio, hit the casino for some gaming, or check out the on-site restaurants for some great food options. Everything is in one location this year: the ride, the hotel, and the after party.

Riders have several options to satisfy their appetites after a long day in the saddle. Join us for the after-party at The Brew Brothers for music, food, and drinks located at our host hotel.

There is nothing quite like a frosty beer or a cold glass of wine after a nice long ride in the summer heat. What better place to enjoy it than our ride host's onsite restaurants and bars.

Music varies each year and is based on the host's schedule and availability.